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Scott Grauer-Gray






Other work

Food Delivery

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Masters graduate (and PHD dropout) from the Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Delaware. First worked with Dr. Chandra Kambhamettu in the Video/Image Modeling and Synthesis Lab (VIMS); later changed advisors and worked with Dr. John Cavazos in his lab on high-performance computing.

Worked at Faro Technologies on the Laser Tracker
from December 2015 to February 2019 (See videos here and here for more info about Faro Laser Tracker).



Bicycle food delivery

Research Interests

  • High performance computing and optimization, particularly on graphics processing units (GPUs) using CUDA, OpenCL, and directive-based languages

  • Applications of high performance computing, specifically as used for financial applications, benchmark suites, and real-time stereo analysis/motion estimation from a pair/sequence of images

Publications and Supplemental Material

IEEE Disclamer

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